Welcome to Preggo Land
Three things are guaranteed in life. 1. You will die. 2. As a girl, if you sleep in a tank top, when you wake up, one of your titties will be outside. 3. The pregnancy scare will make you religious. In our African culture, a child is a blessing until it’s born out of wedlock. So I will try and put into detail what goes through the minds of ladies when they have a pregnancy scare. You know when they range the causes of cardiovascular complications, they should start with missing periods. Especially when you use one of those tracking apps, and it’s there screaming in some Armageddon looking color, PERIOD: 6DAYS LATE. You may be atheist or a heathen but you summon the Lord in all the Hebrew terms you can remember. Sijui Elohim, because you need a celestial warrior for this one. And Nissi and Shalom and Shammah and so on and so forth. You take a blood oath to chastity if God agrees to take away this cup of suffering from you. It worked for Jesus, right? You rack your b...