Pro Tools and Voice and a Big Idea

I can say I've lived though a technological revolution. In form 1, I remember learning about the Agrarian Revolution and it seemed like such a big event. Like any defining aspect of history, it is the fearless, the idea thieves, the rich and the shameless who get to enjoy the first fruit of change. 
In one lifetime, I have lived to see VCRs die in favor of accessing movies thought a handheld device that can also make phonecalls, emails, serves as a camera and if you go a little further, a spying device to influence your consumerism. I have seen us go from "Do not enter a car whose occupants you don't know" to ordering a ride from a total stranger. Very rarely do we think " What if this is Joe from You?". I have seen 8 year olds rake up millions from standing in front of a camera and dancing or reviewing a box of bricks (Child labor in my opinion). All this and I'm not even 30. For some, they've been born into this madness, and if Tik Tok is anything to go by, it cannot get worse. 
The world has been moving at speeds faster than a matatu late for the morning squad. There is an app for so many things you can no longer keep up. There's an app for timing your pee for fucks sake. If there's anything I've garnered from my observation of this technological reneisssance, it's that you can do ANYTHING. You can become a photographer, you can become a doctor, a world leader, a Mafia boss, a marriage counselor, a Tate, I mean have you seen Theranos and FTX?
Civilization might be a dumpster fire at the moment, but if you focus on the warmth you just might get through it. The existence of so much media and so many 'platforms' means you can easily reinvent yourself. Embrace change. Believe in yourself. This is me gathering audacity after CHAT GPT decided to appear and shaft the writing community. I write with it. Change is dynamic. I either shape up or ship out. I could whine all I want, but that AI isn't going anywhere. So are many other aspects of the digital world. 
Change is tough. It is relentless. It doesn't wait for you. It just announces it's presence and you either have to conform or watch a ten year old do. 
I started this entire write up with an idea but I've been cooking as well and I lost the train of thought. My point is, the world is changing. And it will change. There's little you can do about the external factors ( you using plastic straws won't stop climate change if the bird app owner takes 10 minute flights across towns on his private jet), but you can do something about yourself and your people. 
If you've had an idea and you've been sitting on it for a while, start. A tonne of the ideas need money I know but most of them just need you to start. 
You have the advantage your predecessors didn't and you can use them to make a step ahead, whatever that means for you. I'm not sure whether I wrote this entirely for my non commenting audience or this is a message for this period of life I find myself in. Either way, it works. 


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